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RSA Fraud & Risk Intelligence Suite: Overview
This overview provides a brief description of typical Adaptive Authentication customer, inputs, the risk engine, and the risk score.
Real time digital channels fraud detection and prevention including transaction monitoring and inbuilt step-up authentication
RSA Adaptive Authentication analyses the risk of user activities in the web and/or mobile channel. The RSA Risk Engine builds profiles of users, IPs, devices, statistical patterns of genuine and fraudulent activity. The risk engine provides the statistical likelihood of a given user activity being fraudulent. The policy manager allows building of business rules on top of the risk engine analysis.
Device Profiling
Device profiling analyzes the device from which the user is accessing an organization’s website or mobile application. RSA Adaptive Authentication compares the profile of a given device with previous devices used by the individual in the past. The device profile is used to determine whether the current device is one from which the user typically requests access or if the device has been connected to previous known fraud. Parameters analyzed include IP address and geolocation, operating system version, browser type and other device settings.
Behavioral Profiling
Behavior profiling is a record of typical activity for the user. RSA Adaptive Authentication compares the profile for the activity with the usual behavior to assess risk. The user profile determines if the various activities are typical for that user or if the behavior is indicative of known fraudulent patterns. Parameters examined include frequency, time of day and type of activity. For example, is this payment amount typical for the user and is the payee someone the user usually transfers money too?
Risk Engine